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B2B Website Audit2021-07-30T03:22:24+00:00

Generate a Quick B2B Website Audit in Under 5 Minutes

How Does the B2B Website Analysis Work?

Step 1: Within minutes you’ll get a FREE, ZERO Obligation B2B website analysis that you can use yourself or send to your web team.

Step 2: If you choose to, you can schedule a 15 min meeting with a member of our team to review as well as get a “Deeper Dive” website analysis (example below). You’ll receive a link in the initial audit results email to schedule time you but can also schedule it here.

Step 3: All of the info discussed is 100% FREE so you can do with it what you want 🙂 We will also send you the deeper analysis to you in PDF or slide format.

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What’s Covered in the Deeper Dive Report?

1: Deep Technical SEO Website Analysis: Find the root causes that are truly holding your website down from being great on Google.

2: User Experience: UX is very important and gives signals back to Google that ultimately affect SEO.

3: Conversion Optimization Opportunities: Analyzing the web traffic flow throughout your site.

4: Online Visibility: Taking a look into your online competition both regionally and nationally.

5: Performance (Speed) & Security: How fast is your site’s load time both for the user and in Google’s eyes?

6: Overview and Recommendations

Need Something Even Deeper?

Forensic SEO Audits Are Our Specialty.

In conjunction with B2B lead generation, we also have the capability to do custom, very in depth SEO audits. They’re about 30 pages and require 2-3 business days to complete. The two types of reports mentioned above are free but these deep audits start around $500 USD. Click here to see a sample audit.

forensic SEO analysis